Daughters of Divine Love
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Daughters of Divine Love

Brochure Design

Daughters of Divine Love requested a brochure designed to call attention to the sisters' fundraising efforts for the completion of their Motherhouse Complex in Nigeria. LKCS was supplied with numerous architectural drawings and a variety of digital photos detailing the building progress and was asked to incorporate them with an overview of the sisters and their missionary work. To find the best means of combining everything into one cohesive piece while also creating and maintaining the emotional appeal needed to reach potential donors. The most relevant information was edited and organized into three categories, assigned its own page with the same branding used in their newsletter.

  1. The sisters' origins and missionary work
  2. The significance of the Motherhouse Complex
  3. Sponsorships/Donations

The brochure contains a lot of information, with the layout and design providing enough white space and visual interest to break up the content nicely and ultimately guide the audience to the donation page.

Daughters of Divine Love brochure has gone on to win recognition from:


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